Bungee Labs Announces Early-Access Beta for Web Developers

Beta Program Designed for Developers in the Web Service Communities of
Amazon, Ebay, Google, Microsoft, PayPal, RealNetworks, Salesforce.com and Yahoo!

SAN FRANCISCO / Web 2.0 EXPO—April 16, 2007 - Bungee Labs™ today announced the early-access beta program for Bungee Connect™, a 100 percent on-demand environment for the development and deployment of deeply-connected rich internet applications (RIAs). The Bungee Connect early-access program is designed specifically for developers within small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs) building rich web applications requiring on-demand E-commerce, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Search, and Geo-location web services. Bungee Connect automates SOAP- and REST-based web service integration, Ajax interactivity, web application state management, deployment provisioning and end-user delivery—with an initial emphasis on applications using web services from Amazon®, Ebay®, Google™, Microsoft®, PayPal®, RealNetworks®, Salesforce.com® and Yahoo!®.

"Bungee Labs' decision to make their development environment integrate seamlessly with Amazon Web Services is great news for our developer community," said Jeff Barr, Senior Evangelist for Amazon Web Services. "AWS developers can now use Bungee Connect to directly access our services, which means they can build Web-Scale applications in an easy to use, browser-based development environment."

"For the past year, Real has provided the Web 2.0 development community with technologies to directly integrate music and content from our Rhapsody service into virtually any online experience," said Ben Rotholtz, General Manager for Rhapsody Web Services. "Bungee Connect is a superb development environment that accelerates the creation of a new generation of cool web-based music applications based on Rhapsody's extensive SOAP and REST APIs."

Adam Gross, Vice President, Developer Marketing, Salesforce.com, added, "Salesforce.com has demonstrated that the innovation and ideas of the consumer Internet are at the core of the next generation of business applications. Bungee Connect together with Salesforce.com's Apex platform makes it easier for developers to create mashups for their businesses, and in doing so hastens the transition from traditional enterprise software to the new on-demand model of building and deploying applications."

The Bungee Connect early-access beta program is scheduled to begin in May 2007. Developers may sign up today at www.bungeelabs.com. Among a broad set of supported web services, Bungee Connect enables integration with:
Amazon:Amazon E-commerce Service, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Mechanical Turk, and Amazon Alexa
Ebay:Ebay web service
Google:AdWords and Google Maps
Microsoft:Windows Live Search and MapPoint
PayPal:PayPal web service
Salesforce.com:   salesforce.com Apex
Yahoo!:Flickr, Yahoo!Mail

"Bungee Labs has created a compelling vision for an on-demand RIA development platform, complete with a community ecosystem and an advanced deployment model built deeply into the product," said Dion Hinchcliffe, ZDNet blogger; President/CTO, Hinchcliffe & Co.; and editor in chief, AjaxWorld Magazine. "Bungee Connect takes RIA development to the next logical step in the Web 2.0 era: fully integrated web-based development environment, online community, understanding of the open Web platform, and a built-in onramp to scalable operations for SMBs."

About Bungee Labs
Bungee Labs provides a 100 percent on-demand application development environment enabling developers to efficiently create and instantly deliver rich web applications for the small-to-medium business market. Bungee Connect automates SOAP- and REST-based web services integration, Ajax control programming, state management and instantaneous deployment—all through an extensible, end-to-end environment delivered over the Web: no install for developers, no installation of delivery infrastructure, and no client install for end users. A privately held company, Bungee Labs is backed by North Bridge Venture Partners, Venrock Associates and Wasatch Venture Fund. For more information please visit www.bungeelabs.com.

Bungee Labs, Bungee Connect, Bungee Grid and bungeelabs.com are trademarks of Bungee Labs, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other names and brands may be claimed by their respective owners.

Press Contact:
RJ Bardsley
Racepoint Group
[email protected]