Bungee Labs to Offer Federated Hosting for PaaS

New Bungee Application Server and Amazon EC2 Flexibility Give Enterprises and SaaS Providers Widest Range of Deployment Options

Web2Expo/San Francisco, CA — April 23, 2008 — Bungee Labs ™ today announced federated hosting to expand adoption of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) among enterprises and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers. Organizations developing highly interactive applications on the Bungee Connect ™ PaaS can now elect to host those applications on self-managed infrastructure running the new Bungee Application Server ™, or on the multi-tenant Bungee Grid ™ at datacenters in the United States, Europe, and on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

 “As a Platform-as-a-Service provider with very promising capability, Bungee Connect’s federated hosting alternatives dramatically lower barriers for businesses to migrate to rich web applications,” said Dion Hinchcliffe, ZDNet blogger; President/CTO of Web2.0 transformation firm Hinchcliffe & Co.; and editor-in-chief of Social Computing Magazine. “The ability to develop and instantly deploy on the Bungee Grid, then move those web applications seamlessly to self-hosted infrastructure or Amazon EC2 enables many enterprises and SaaS providers to now benefit from Platform-as-a-Service while meeting their security and service-level commitments.”


Beginning today, organizations using Bungee Connect to develop and deploy applications can request that their application be hosted on the multi-tenant Bungee Grid on Bungee-managed servers in the United States, Europe and Amazon EC2. As a live, interactive example, Bungee Labs has deployed the WideLens ™ reference application on the Bungee Grid at Amazon EC2.  WideLens, accessed at www.widelens.com, is a free personal calendaring application demonstrating the interactivity and integration capabilities of the Bungee Connect PaaS — WideLens includes connectivity with Google Calendar, Microsoft Exchange, iCalendar feeds, Facebook and Salesforce.com.

Beginning in June, organizations will be able to self-designate the hosting location for their Bungee-powered applications from within their online Bungee Connect development and management account.  Additionally, organizations participating in the Bungee Connect Early Adopter Program will have the ability to download the Bungee Application Server containing a complete, single instance of the Bungee Run-time Software for hosting their Bungee-powered applications within their own infrastructure.  These VMware-based software appliances operate as a single, complete management and delivery server, and as a management hub for additional Bungee Application Servers when multi-server scalability is required.  

These hosting options for deploying Bungee-powered applications provide flexibility to enterprises and SaaS providers to meet their requirements to retain control of confidential operations, optimize internal data source integration and mission-critical business-process standards, and deliver on their stated security and 24/7/365 service guarantees.

“Bungee Connect is a powerful development platform for creating highly interactive web-based applications, including integrations with Amazon’s numerous web service APIs,” said Steve Rabuchin, director of developer relations for Amazon Web Services. “Providing seamless application deployment on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud through Bungee Connect gives businesses the scalable and reliable hosting and storage infrastructure they need.”


Development, testing and deployment of non-production versions of Bungee-powered applications are free. Fees begin only after a deployed Bungee-powered application is used by end users.

Bungee-powered applications deployed on the Bungee Connect multi-tenant grid in the United States, European Union and at Amazon EC2 are billed at an aggregate rate of US$0.06 (six U.S. cents) per user-session-hour rounded down to the nearest second per user-session. During the Bungee Connect public beta, there are no fees for these options.

Federation pricing for the self-hosted Bungee Application Server starts at a flat monthly subscription license fee of $500 per month, per server.

“The rapid transition to PaaS solutions requires a spectrum of seamlessly compatible run-time environments to enable businesses to scale and control their choices,” said Martin Plaehn, CEO, Bungee Labs, “By providing Bungee Connect through a combination of Bungee Grid, EC2 and self-hosted VMware-based software appliances, we can provide our partners and customers required flexibility, security and reliability to serve their customers.”


Community Source Code Licensing

Bungee Labs also announced plans to make community source code available for the Bungee Application Server under several software source code licenses. To facilitate community feedback prior to formalization of these community source code initiatives in June 2008, two software licenses are now available in draft form for review and discussion at http://www.bungeeconnect.com/legal/legal.html:

         - Bungee Community Source License (BCSL) – Commercial Use
         - Bungee Community Source License (BCSL) – Research and Development Only (RDO)

During the Bungee Application Server public beta, scheduled to begin in July 2008, source code access via the BCSL-Commercial Use license will be included with all operation licenses of the Bungee Application Server. At General Availability (GA) for the Bungee Application Server, scheduled for late 2008, source code availability will be expanded from only those with commercial-use licenses to any developer via the BCSL–RDO.

Concurrently, Bungee Labs is evaluating several Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) licensing approaches for the software components comprising the Bungee Connect system, including the Bungee Application Server.

For more detail, see the following blog posts:

About Bungee Labs

Bungee Labs is creator of the Bungee Connect™ web application development and hosting platform-as-a-service (PaaS), a unified environment for building and delivering a new class of extremely interactive rich web applications. Bungee Connect facilitates rapid integration of web services and databases (public and private), eliminates programming for Ajax interactivity, and enables instantaneous application deployment for end-user use. Bungee Connect eliminates significant time and cost across the entire application lifecycle. Organizations use Bungee Connect to build highly interactive web applications, then instantly deploy them on a high-performance multi-tenant grid infrastructure. Bungee Connect is the most extensive implementation of a PaaS. A privately held company, Bungee Labs is backed by North Bridge Venture Partners, Venrock Associates, and Epic Ventures. Visit www.bungeelabs.com. Bungee Labs, bungeelabs.com, Bungee Connect, bungeeconnect.com, Bungee Grid and Bungee Pulse are trademarks of Bungee Labs, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other names and brands may be claimed by their respective owners.

Public Relations Contacts:
Kelly Wanlass, Wanlass Public Relations
(801) 766-2362

Lyle Ball, VP of Marketing, Bungee Labs