"Spackle the Cracks" in CRM User Experiences with Bungee Connect

Platform-as-a-Service Enables Rapid Creation of Custom Applications
to Extend Sugar CRM Integrations

SALT LAKE CITY, UTMay 19, 2008Bungee Labs™ today announced that companies can now use Bungee Connect™ platform-as-a-service (PaaS) to significantly extend and improve the user experience around SugarCRM implementations, as well as integrate with other on-premise and on-demand SaaS applications and CRMs, including those from NetSuite, Oracle and Salesforce. Web applications and user experience enhancements built with Bungee Connect can improve productivity and adoption without the complexity and overhead of traditional software development, licensing and delivery approaches. Bungee Connect sample reference applications and source code for extending SugarCRM, NetSuite, Oracle CRM, and Salesforce are available at http://www.bungeeconnect.com/crm

"Productivity is diminished by gaps in functionality, missing interconnectivity and weak user experiences as employees work within existing CRM implementations and between multiple applications," said Lyle Ball, vice president of marketing, Bungee Labs. "The Bungee Connect platform can be used to spackle these cracks by enabling businesses to create web applications that solve business problems and leverage existing solutions—all without investments in lengthy development projects, software licenses and infrastructure."

Companies use Bungee Connect to build web-based applications with desktop-like user experiences, then instantly deploy them on the Bungee Grid™ multi-tenant grid infrastructure or on Bungee Application Servers™ running on self-managed infrastructure. By providing development, testing, deployment and hosting via a unified PaaS, Bungee Connect:

  • enables a new class of interactive rich web applications and user experiences
  • eliminates significant complexity, time and cost across the entire application lifecycle
  • decreases security risks associated with interactive web applications
  • delivers reliability, scalability and quality-of-service (QOS)
  • improves productivity
  • increases application adoption

In addition, with Bungee Connect federated hosting, SugarCRM and Oracle CRM customers can comply with infrastructure operating requirements by hosting Bungee-powered applications in the same manner they host SugarCRM or Oracle CRM:

  • on multi-tenant infrastructure, or
  • on self-managed infrastructure

Links Related to Bungee Connect PaaS + SugarCRM:

  • Learn the business advantages of the Bungee Connect PaaS and explore Bungee's reference applications for SugarCRM, and other CRM silos, at http://www.bungeeconnect.com/crm
  • Read Bungee's blog post titled "Defining Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)," outlining the features, benefits and criteria that organizations and end-users should demand from a PaaS: http://bungeeconnect.wordpress.com/?p=113
Get a free Bungee Connect developer account at http://www.bungeeconnect.com/getstarted/getstarted.html?bl_signup=nr080407

About Bungee Labs
Bungee Labs is creator of the Bungee Connect web application development and hosting platform-as-a-service (PaaS), a single environment for building and delivering a new class of interactive rich web applications and user experiences. Bungee Connect facilitates rapid integration of web services and databases (public and private), eliminates programming for Ajax interactivity, and enables instantaneous application deployment for end-user use. Bungee Connect eliminates significant time and cost across the entire application lifecycle. Bungee-powered apps can be instantly deployed on the Bungee Grid multi-tenant grid infrastructure or on a Bungee Application Server running on self-managed infrastructure.  Bungee Connect is the most extensive implementation of a PaaS. A privately held company, Bungee Labs is backed by North Bridge Venture Partners, Venrock Associates and Epic Ventures. Visit www.bungeelabs.com.

Bungee Labs, bungeelabs.com, Bungee Connect, bungeeconnect.com, Bungee Grid, WideLens and widelens.com are trademarks of Bungee Labs, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other names and brands may be claimed by their respective owners.

Public Relations Contacts:
Kelly Wanlass, Wanlass Public Relations (PR for Bungee Labs)
(801) 766-2362

Lyle Ball, VP of Marketing, Bungee Labs