Report: Turn to Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for Accelerated Application Development and Customized User Experiences

THINKStrategies Says Bungee Connect PaaS Offers Tools for Complete Application Lifecycle

BOSTONJune 2, 2008—Companies can accelerate the development and deployment processes for delivering applications that better meet the needs of their end-users by turning to platform-as-a-service (PaaS), according to a report by THINKstrategies, a leading software-as-a-service (SaaS) consulting firm founded by Jeffrey Kaplan. Download the free report, "Capitalizing on Platform-as-a-Service to Achieve Your Business Objectives," at

According to THINKstrategies, growing frustration with complexities, costs and the cumbersome nature of traditional, on-premise legacy development and deployment environments is fueling an increased interest in on-demand solutions such as PaaS, which combines all required tools, systems and environments across the complete application lifecycle. Also making on-demand solutions attractive is a series of macro-trends that are transforming the way businesses have to operate in order to win—and retain—customers:

  • The mobility and global distribution of workers, which is forcing companies to adopt new methods to coordinate these workers, and allow them to safely access, share and act on information in order to perform their jobs.  
  • Raised consumer expectations at work now that on-demand services (think iTunes) are an integral part of employees' personal lives. Legacy applications lack the intuitive user interface, dynamic multi-user architecture and secure remote access features essential to satisfy this rapidly changing workplace.
  • Expense and time requirements of implementing on-premise applications keep organizations from generating a greater return on investment that is necessary in today's business world.  

"For those software developers, IT departments and business units seeking to build SaaS solutions that meet the standards of today's best on-demand services, leveraging a web-based platform which offers proven tools for the complete application lifecycle and boasts a community of successful users is the best choice," Kaplan wrote. "Bungee Connect's PaaS approach can...accelerate their application development and deployment processes, enhance their capabilities, reduce their time to market and enable them to achieve their corporate objectives." 

Companies use the Bungee Connect development and deployment PaaS from Bungee Labs, the sponsor of the report, to build web-based applications with desktop-like user experiences, then instantly deploy them on the Bungee Grid ™ multi-tenant grid infrastructure or on Bungee Application Servers ™ running on self-managed infrastructure. By providing development, testing, deployment and hosting via a unified PaaS, Bungee Connect:

  • enables a new class of interactive rich web applications and user experiences
  • eliminates significant complexity, time and cost across the entire application lifecycle
  • decreases security risks associated with interactive web applications
  • delivers reliability, scalability and quality-of-service (QOS)
  • improves productivity
  • increases application adoption

Additional Links Related to Platform-as-a-Service:

About THINKstrategies 
THINKstrategies is a strategic consulting services company formed specifically to address the unprecedented business challenges facing IT managers, solutions providers, and investors today as the technology industry shifts toward a services orientation. The company's mission is to help our clients re-THINK their corporate strategies, and refocus their limited resources to achieve their business objectives. THINKstrategies has also founded the Software-as-a Service Showplace (, an easy-to-use, online directory and resource center of over 2500
SaaS solutions from over 600 companies worldwide, organized into over 80 Application. Industry and Enabling Technology categories. The Showplace also includes information and insights regarding industry best practices. For more information regarding our unique services, visit, or contact us at [email protected].

About Bungee Connect
Bungee Labs is creator of the Bungee Connect™ web application development and hosting platform-as-a-service (PaaS), a single environment for building and delivering a new class of interactive rich web applications. Bungee Connect eliminates significant complexity, time and cost across the entire application lifecycle. Businesses use Bungee Connect to build highly interactive web applications, then instantly deploy them on a high-performance multi-tenant grid infrastructure or on a Bungee Application Server™ running on an organization's self-managed infrastructure. Bungee Labs is based in the Salt Lake City area and is capitalized by venture financing from North Bridge Venture Partners, Venrock Associates and Epic Ventures.

Bungee Labs,, Bungee Connect,, Bungee Grid, WideLens and are trademarks of Bungee Labs, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other names and brands may be claimed by their respective owners.


Public Relations Contacts:

Kelly Wanlass
Wanlass Public Relations
(801) 766-2362

Lyle Ball
Bungee Labs