Concept : Understanding StyleProjects

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[edit] Description 

StyleProjects let you customize style elements for the containers and controls that make up the UI for your Bungee-powered application. The general procedure is to:

  1. Add a StyleProject to your solution.
  2. Add StyleSheets to the StyleProject.
  3. Select and edit Style Elements for inclusion in the StyleSheet
  4. Apply the StyleSheet to your form.

After these steps are performed, you can still add additional StyleSheets and make changes to individual style elements (see Using StyleProjects).

The StyleSheets let you manage the complete list of style elements to customize (see the figure below).

The style elements are listed in the left column. The default properties are shown on the right. Some style elements are control-specific, while others apply to a form in general. For example, the first one, AppointmentLIst, lets you modify style properties specifically for the AppointmentList control. Other control-specific style elements in the list are: Calendar, HorizontalProgress, HorizontalStyleButton, MultiColumnListBoxStyle, VerticalProgress, and VerticalStyleButton. The non-control-specific style elements are Background, Border, ContainerStyle, ControlBackground, Font, FormMargin, InnerMargin, Margin, Padding, Select, and TabStyle.

After a StyleSheet is applied to your form (see Using StyleProjects), you can turn individual style elements on or off by selecting or clearing the check boxes. For example, if you click on Font (the name, not the check box), the font properties are displayed on the right. You can make changes to the background, color, etc. However, the properties are not applied to your form until the check box is selected.

[edit] See Also

Using StyleProjects
Adding a Project to a Solution

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