Bungee Logic : Schema : Function ()

Page Status: Beta

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[edit] Description

Functions (part of the Model code) contain Bungee Logic and are used to implement specific program functionality. You add functions to a class (also part of the Model code) and functions are displayed in the Solution Detail

[edit] Syntax

access name([parameters]) { }



is one of: public, protected, private, or internal.

Public makes the function visible from all classes, protected makes the function visible to it's containing class and any inheriting classes, private makes the function visible to only the containing class, and internal makes the function visible only to the containing project.

name Is a function name unique in the class. The typical naming convention in Bungee is to use camel case, for example: getLength().

Is a comma separated list of zero or more [[arguments, each with an access modifier (unused), and a direction (in/out) that defines how the parameter will be used, and a name.

Direction [in]: specifies the parameter is an input value to be read within the function.
Direction [out]: specifies the parameter is an output value. This value is be used to set any return values from the function.

Important Just as with calling operations using the SOAP protocol, functions in Bungee Connect have no explicit return value. Output or return values are set using [out] parameters exclusively. Out parameters cannot be used to read any values within the function; there currently is no concept of an [in/out] parameter in Bungee Connect.

[edit] Logic


public MyFunction()


   // Your code goes here



[edit] Error Handling


[edit] Intrinsics


[edit] Properties

General Tab

  • Access Modifier — Specifies the function's visibility. See above description.
  • Adapter List — Specify a list of form and/or function adapters.
  • Name — Is the name of the function. This must be unique to the class.

Behavior Tab

  • State — Dynamically hide, show, enable, and disable controls bound to this function at runtime.
  • Trigger — Specify an object that, when changed, will trigger the execution of this function.

[edit] See Also

Runtime Type : Meta : Function
Call Function ()
Adding a Function to a Class
Understanding Function and Field Overrides
Adding a Function or Field Override
Using Function Adapters

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