Concept : Understanding Check In and Check Out

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[edit] Description

When you create or work on a solution in Bungee Builder, you are working in your own Workspace—every user has a unique Workspace. Users that share a DesignGroup also share a common Depot, production space (referred to as Production), and Datasource.

New solutions exist only in your local Workspace. To share your solution with members of your DesignGroup, you must check in your solution, which copies it to the Depot. Once checked in, anyone in the DesignGroup can check out the solution (or projects or classes), make changes, and check the changed objects back in. Also, projects must be checked into the Depot before they can be Posted or Deployed.

A symbol to the right of an object’s icon indicates the check-in/check-out status of the object:

  • Green plus sign: The object is not checked in (this is the status of an object when you first create it).
  • Green check mark: The object is checked out by you.
  • Red check mark: The object is checked out by someone else in your DesignGroup. You can mouse over the object and the tooltip will show who has the object checked out
  • Yellow triangle: The object in your Workspace is out of sync with the copy in the Depot (another DesignGroup member checked in a change).
  • No symbol: The copy of the object in your Workspace matches the copy in the Depot.

[edit] Check In and Check Out Summary

  • Only container objects, such as solutions, projects, and classes, can be checked out.
  • In order to create a new project in a solution that’s checked in—you must first check out the solution.
  • In order to add a class, adapter, or datasource to a project that’s checked in—you must first check out the project.
  • In order to add form, field, function, etc., to a class that’s checked in—you must first check out the class.
  • Any new container objects created in the workspace are automatically marked with a green plus sign (not checked in).
  • An object can be checked out by only one user at a time.
  • Check out is not recursive—only the object being checked out is checked out.
  • Check in is recursive—the object and all its children are checked in.

Note You can make changes without checking out the object. Then, if you check out and check in the object, the change is written to the depot (when you check out an object, the object in your Workspace is not overwritten).

[edit] Sync

When you Sync an object, you’re copying an object from the Depot to your local Workspace. Objects become out-of-sync when another member of your DesignGroup checks in changes to an object. When several people are working on project simultaneously, make sure you’re working on the most up-to-date version by Syncing your project before making changes.

[edit] Sync Summary

  • The solution or project must not be checked out.
  • You can only sync solutions and projects.
  • Sync will not affect objects that are checked out.
  • An out of sync object cannot be checked out.

Caution: If you make changes to an object, but don't check it out and then Sync the object, your changes will be overwritten by the copy in the Depot.

[edit] Revert

Use Revert to completely undo any changes you made to an object. When you Revert, an object is copied from the Depot to your local Workspace, overwriting the local copy. Any changes you have made to the object are lost when Revert.

[edit] Revert Summary

  • You must have the object checked out.
  • You can Revert any object.
  • Revert is not recursive.

Caution If you check out an object, make changes, and then Revert the object, your changes will be overwritten by the copy in the Depot.

[edit] Mark For Delete Indicator

If you delete an object in the Solution Explorer (in a project that has been checked in), an X is added to the end of the objects name. For example: 

When you check in your project, the object is deleted.


[edit] See Also

Using Check In and Check Out
Posting and Deploying

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