How To : Adding a Class to a Project

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[edit] Description

This document describes how to add a class to (and remove a class from) a project. 

[edit] Prerequisites

Understanding Solutions and Projects
Creating a Solution
Adding a Project to a Solution

[edit] Procedure

To add a class to a project:

  1. Right-click on the project and select Add Class (or, with the solution selected, click the Add Class button in the Solution Explorer Toolbar).
  2. In the Add Class dialog that appears, in the Class Name: text box, type the name you want to give your class.
  3. Next, from the Project: combo box, choose the project where you want the class to be created.
  4. Under Choose a Class to inherit from: specify a class you want as the super class for your class from either the Runtime tab or from the tab bearing the name of your solution. Classes appearing in the Runtime tab are default classes provided by the system. Your solution tab contains a list of those classes you yourself created. The  system provided classes include :
  5. When you have made your selection, click OK.
  6. The class appears in the Solution Explorer beneath the project and is automatically selected.
  7. In the Property Editor, change/set any properties for the class you want.
  8. To open the class for editing, in the Solution Detail, double-click the class.

To delete a class from a project:

  1. Select the class.
  2. Click the Delete icon (red X) at the top of the Solution Explorer.

[edit] Error Handling


[edit] Examples

See the Hello Bungee Connect Tutorial.

[edit] Next Steps

Adding a Function to a Class
Adding a Field to a Class
Adding a Form to a Class

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